Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby To Toddler Overnight

I think Grace just officially passed through the last stage of being a baby :( as she spent her first night in her toddler bed last night. In many ways, she has stayed a baby (stages) longer than most, but I am not sure that I am ready for her to be a big girl yet :) Grace, we are so proud of you! You stayed in your bed all night and didn't get up once. Now to let you in on a little secret, we purposely skipped naps yesterday and she played and played at the playground in hopes that she would be utterly exhausted and not fight staying in bed. At first, she thought her bed was broken and got upset, but once Mommy and Daddy assured her that it was just a big girl bed now, she quickly calmed down and gave in to the exhaustion. Grace rolled out of bed once onto the pillows we put down on the floor, but shockingly, she just stood right up, crawled back into bed and went back to sleep with not so much as a fuss. We have a camera in her room to listen/watch her. We love the fact that we can check in and see if it is necessary to intervene, or if she will calm down on her own. This morning, she cried out for us, but waited on us to come get her and didn't get down. NOW, truth be told, we are not expecting every night to be this easy and certainly not nap time, but oh how we hope that maybe we will be wrong. Stay tuned for updates on how the transition is going :)

Last shot of Grace's bed as a crib

Daddy taking the front off and putting on the side board to make a daybed

Daddy having the talk about staying in her big girl bed

You tell me what that looks says to you?


Anonymous said...

YAY! What a Big Girl!

Love, The Voss Family

Anonymous said...

Wow! Big girl now! She is getting so big! She is so sweet. I love her furniture-so cute.
How are yall?

Lisa Goodwin

Hua said...

Hi Laura,

I really enjoyed reading your post. I like your trick-letting her play through her nap so she wouldn't have any problems going to bed. I'm Hua, the director of Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network, a network of over 2,000 of the best health writers on the web (including doctors, nurses, healthy living professionals, and expert patients). I think your blog would be a great addition to the Network, and I'd like to invite you to learn more about it and apply to join at Once approved by our Chief Medical Officer, your posts will be republished on Wellsphere where they will be available to over 5 million monthly visitors who come to the site looking for health information and support. There’s no cost and no extra work for you! The HealthBlogger page ( provides details about participation, but if you have any questions please feel free to email me at


Anonymous said...

Dear Grace,
Grandma and Pa are so proud of you!
Sara Beth says, "You are all grown up now!" Payton says, "Way to go, Gracie!" Grant says, "You are a big girl now!" We all love you bunches! Love, Grandma and Pa